Jon (Zeke) Watts

Sept 1957 - Dec 1958

Lanson College

Jon Watts

Feb 1959

Migrated to Australia

June 1959 - Dec 1959

Left Bunbury high school (Western Australia) to labour on a dairy farm. Milked 100 cows, twice a day, 7 days a week. Developed muscles, a liking for beef-steak breakfasts, a very small bank account - and a slightly jaundiced view of dairy cattle.

1960 - 61

Attempted to matriculate from 'crammer' school. A hopeless task. Too much - sunshine, beach, peer pressure to play rather than work. Took up amateur competitive cycling (track) and attempted to take up girls. More successful at the former.


Sheet-metal worker.


Cadet journalist in rural Western Australia.


Began working as surveyor's rodman in (conventional) seismic survey exploration; Warburton Ranges on the border of Western Australian and South Australia.


Transferred to Kimberley Ranges (northern Western Australia), working down towards The Great Sandy desert, (vibrator and thumper).


'Promoted' to office job in Perth - clerical work then analog compositor/printer operator for reproduction of field records.


Shifted to surface gravity meter surveys, (4 WD and helicopter), and got married.


Left seismic survey (after a trip to Queensland!).

1968 -69

Taxi driver, truck driver and assistant clerk to an accountant for six weeks (which exceeded my competence by five weeks!)


Photographer's assistant in commercial studio in Perth.

1970 -77

Press photographer-with 'The West Australian' and 'The Daily News', Perth's only morning and afternoon newspapers (respectively).


Commercial photographer


Cook in a Mexican restaurant



1979 - 82

Undergraduate student at Murdoch University.

1983 - present

Lecturer, Murdoch University, and Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia: Media, Communication and Cultural Studies.


Completed PhD


Singing, sailing, golf.